Need Employees?

Aug 05, 2021

Everyone does, right?

What if we counseled our businesses to pay their current employees more and to consider consolidating the days the establishment is open?

Now, hear me out.

Recently a friend told me she closed her restaurant because she could not find workers. After catching up on life and our current job situations, she said, "It seems like the people who want to work are working two jobs." And, she was right.

A light bulb went off.

Those of us who are probably workaholics (if we are telling the truth) or super-responsible-people, may have two or three jobs/side hustles/etc.

What if current employees felt more appreciated? Would they be willing to work more for a business rather than going out and getting a second job? Many times people take on second and third jobs for extra money. Could you convince them to give up their second job and work more with your company? (I realize this could be an issue with over-time, etc.)

Now, that still doesn't solve all the problems. So, is there a way the business could consolidate their hours so they do not need as many employees? Maybe stay open longer during the week and close on the weekends? Or close a day during the week and stay open longer on the weekends. It would depend on the business for sure. 

A local small business owner used to tell me, "The same amount of people are going to patronize us. Why spread it out over five days when I can consolidate it to three days? You teach people when you are open and they come at those times." And, she was right. She owned a restaurant and was only open for breakfast and lunch three days a week. And, she was really busy those three days. She rested, shopped, and prepped on the other days. 

Sometimes businesses get so used to doing it the way they have always done it, they can't see any other way. Our job as economic developers is to help them see new ways.

#foodforthought #openfordiscussion #leadership #edc #economicdevelopment #communitydevelopment 


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